Follow the steps below to set up Thunderbird to retrieve email from our mail server. Replace "" with your actual domain name.
1. From the top menu, click on "Menu," select "New Account," and then "Existing Email." This action will bring up the "Account Setup" wizard.
2. Fill in Your full Name, Email address, Password, and then click "Configure manually".
3. Manual configuration
Incoming Server
Protocol: IMAP
Hostname: you can get the secure hostname from your control panel
Port: 993
Connection security: SSL/TLS
Authentication method: Autodetect or Encrypted password
Username: your email address, e.g.
Outgoing server
Hostname: you can get the secure hostname from your control panel
Port: 465 or 587
Connection security: SSL/TLS
Authentication method: Autodetect or Encrypted password
Username: your email address, e.g.
Then click "Done". If the "Done" button is not clickable, click "Re-test" to try again.
4. Account successfully created.
Article ID: 1535, Created: November 28, 2013 at 9:28 PM, Modified: July 11, 2024 at 9:13 PM