How to configure an email account to use Windows Live Mail

Email > Email program configuration
Follow the steps below to set up Windows Live Mail to retrieve and send email from our mail server. (Replace "" with your actual domain name.)
  1. Log in to Windows Live Mail.
  2. Go to Tools/Accounts.
  3. Click on Add and choose E-mail Account.
  4. Email address: Enter the full email address of the POP account you are going to access.
  5. Password: Enter the password associated with the above account.
  6. Display Name: Type the name you would like to display on the email, then click Next.
  7. Choose POP3 for incoming mail server.
  8. Incoming server:
  9. Choose Authenticated POP (APOP) for Log on using.
  10. Login ID: Enter the full email address of the POP account you are accessing (e.g.:
  11. Outgoing Server: Enter the name of the SMTP server (e.g.:
  12. Click on My outgoing server requires authentication. Click Next. Note: Ensure that "This server requires a secure connection (SSL)" is unchecked.  Leave everything else in its default state.  By default Windows Live Mail will keep a copy of the emails on our email server.
  13. Click Finish.

Note: SMTP default port is 25, althernative port is 8889